Planning Worksheet


I have set up (in Cronus) the following parameters.

Item (TEST) with SKU:

Replenishmentsystem - Prod. Order
Manufacturing Policy - Make-to-stock

Reordering Policy - Fixed Reorder Qty.

A BOM (item TEST1) is attached with the same parameters.

After inserting a new sales order for TEST, the regenerative planning calculates two prod. orders - firm planned orders are created. Up to now, everything is correct. But after deleting the sales order, the regenerative planning does not reduce or cancel the production order for test. After deleting the prod. order for TEST I have accepted that the regenerative planning will propose to cancel the prod. order for TEST1. In both cases, there is not demand fpr the supplies.

Is this correct for this Reordering policy?


What are the settings that make you say the two production orders are correct? You have not given us the full item settings so it is difficult to comment really.

Well the first - TEST - because of MPS and the second one of calculating MRP. What other parameters influence the planning. When I change the reordering policy e.g. to Order, I get the correct reaction (cancel). Mike

Well it depends what your reorder point, reorder quantity etc are set too depending upon your policy. So what are your order modifiers from your original example?

Well, after I have read, that there might be bugs, I calculated the same scenario in MBS 5.0 without SP01 - it works. Does someone know about a document, whitepaper, where the changes are expained (beyond order date/start date)?

Yep there might be bugs, there might also be a standard explanation, but without the data/information I cannot comment on it.

Talk to Microsoft, if there is anything on the re-write they will have it.

The only parameter, which is set: reorder quantity, no reorder point. I have sent a request to Microsoft and will post the answer.

In fact, Microsoft has changed the regenerativ planning, which I did not know. Since 11.11. there exists a white paper: Supply Planning in Version 5.0 SP1

And is this bug fixed now?

In the new planning philosophy of Microsoft that’s not a bug. In the white paper: “The Fixed Reorder Qty. policy is related to inventory planning of typical C-items” “When planning an item using a reorder point, the supply order can always be scheduled in if necessary. This is common in forward-scheduled supply orders triggered by a reorder point. However, the planning system will not suggest to decrease or cancel supply orders triggered by a reorder point.” The only alternative is to change from fixed reorder qty. to Lot-for-lot. But it is hard to understand, why items, which were planned by fixed reorder, now ‘have to be’ C-items.

Do you have a link to this document?