Order Planning - Create Prod.Order - Reserve Components not working

According to the production whitepaper, components on Production orders created via Order Planning should be automatically reserved against stock for example if the reservation method is set to always.

In version 4 it works, but in version 5 it does not work. (I am really talking about the components, not the item to be manufactured as this is indeed reserved against the sales order).

Can anyone point me to a hotfix or a solution? Thanks

I have to add a little detail: it seems to be working in version 5 W1, but not in our Brazilian version; unfortunately I do not have a virgin database BR any more to check whether the database was modified in any way… Anybody using BR version?

You have 2 options to check for mods:

First, and more reliable - ask your Partner whether they have changed something, or maybe localization required some changes, they should know about that either. (But I doubt that in this functionality in question localization for BR needed some changes - its more or less universal for all countries)

Second - in Object Designer there is a column Modified - a checkmark there appears automaticaly, if something is changed, and Version list column shows object’s current version, but this isn’t automatically changed. Bad thing is, that there are many objects involved, you will have problem identifying to which one look at.

Besides, you should have received a product CD from your partner, which contains a virgin, as you called it, version…