How can I print signature file, stored in a BLOB field, onto a check?

Using NAV US 4.00 SP2 (4.00 SP3) and I am VERY new to Navision (VB bacjground). My company wants to store electronic copies of signatures in a BLOB data type field and have that image appear on the check. I have scanned a signiture and saved into a BMP format. Using functionality borrowed from the Company Information card, I have modified the Bank Account card to save the signature file into the Picture field (a BLOB data type). I have also added a picturebox to a report based on Form 1401 (Check), and had it reference the Bank Account table.

Am I in the right direction? Am I way off base? Is there an easier way to do this. Also, can NAV handle a different graphic format, especially if the background within it has been set to be transparent?

I cannot answer very many questions beyond what you see here, as I don’t know what I don’t know. Any help/insight you can provide would be appreciated (appreciated eve more if it works! [:D]

Eric D. Deyo

Navision can only handle BMP.
Check the report sales invoice, and there is printed a company logo from company card.