Error ( The maximum length for the string value is 30)

Hi All,

While running the report purchase book vat in RTC the error is occur (The maximum length for the string value is 30) .

While the same report is running fine in classic client .

any one has any idea why this error is coming in RTC report.



Check whether any variables are used in RTC coding with length 30

you can search for code with ISSERVICETIER

Hi Mohana ,

Thanks for the reply,

can you just tell me where i check the variable Classic Report or in RTC coding(Visual Studio).



Simply export the report in txt format and check for ISSERVICETIER

check the code under ISSERVICETIER whether any variables are used to store some data and length of those variables…


i have done what you have recommend to me , but there is no function isservicetier , in the report.

Here iam attaching the report in .txt format , for reference .


Shailesh1462.16538object.txt (82.1 KB)

Increase the length of StateDescription variable to 50 and try…

ok Mohana,

i will try this.

