maximum length For String PAGE

Hi there All,

I am trying to populate a page I created in RTC 2009

but I get the error message "The maximum length for

a string value is 10" . Can anyone please help.

Hi Eddy,

And how long is the definition of this field?

Either check the field definition in the table used by the page or if a variable, then check the variable list. If it’s only a Text 10 or Code 10, then you’ll not be able to enter more than 10 characters.

Actually it’s a field that should be automatically generated and it is of type code.

The field definition in the table is of length 10. and the number series is duly setup.

If you’re using standard NAV functions to generate a No. value from the No. Series definitions, you might note that the return value from those functions is typically a Code20 value. Take a look at the definition of the No. Series that you’re using for this problem field to ensure that it does not produce a value that will exceed 10 characters.

Yes I am using standard NAV functions to generate No. value from the No. Series definitions.

I have checked as you suggested but still it is giving me same error.

OK. Any chance that you could post a copy of the No. Series Line that you’re working with, and the code that you’re using to assign the No. value?

Series Code Line No. Starting Date Starting No. Ending No. Warning No. Increment-by No. Last No. Used Open Last Date Used

AAN 10000 AAN0000001 AAN9999999 1 Yes

APN 10000 APN0000001 APN9999999 1 Yes

DSN 10000 DSN0000001 DSN9999999 1 Yes

JON 10000 JON0000001 JON9999999 1 Yes

LAN 10000 LAN0000001 LAN9999999 1 Yes

LOT 10000 LOTN000001 LOTN999999 1 Yes

LRN 10000 LRN0000001 LRN9999999 1 Yes

MED 10000 MED0000001 MED9999999 1 Yes

PNO 10000 PNO0000001 PNO9999999 1 Yes

TPN 10000 TPN0000001 TPN9999999 1 Yes






HRParam.TESTFIELD(“Training Plan Nos.”);

NoSeriesMgt.InitSeries(HRParam.“Training Plan Nos.”,xRec.“No. Series”,0D,Code,“No. Series”);


“Transaction Date” := TODAY;

“User Id” := USERID;




Code - OnValidate()

IF Code <> xRec.Code THEN BEGIN


NoSeriesMgt.TestManual(HRParam.“Training Plan Nos.”);

“No. Series” := ‘’;


Code - OnLookup()

Course Code - OnValidate()

IF Courses.GET(“Course Code”) THEN

“Course Name” := Courses.“Course Name”


“Course Name” := ‘’;

Course Code - OnLookup()

Course Name - OnValidate()

Course Name - OnLookup()

Training Facilitator - OnValidate()

Training Facilitator - OnLookup()

Organiser Code - OnValidate()

IF Facilitators.GET(“Organiser Code”) THEN

“Organiser Name” := Facilitators.Name


“Organiser Name” := ‘’;