Deposit Slips in Business Central

Hello All,

I am trying to find where I can record my customer cheques (cash receipts) on a deposit slip and then post the amount that appears on the deposit slip to the bank so it appears in the Bank reconciliation screen.

So to be clear - I receive 6 cheques from 6 different customers - we fill in a deposit slip which has the total balance of the 6 cheques and pay it into the bank, i need to record this in Business Central.

I know Nav did have a deposits screen - but I cannot see it in Business Central - I have looked at the Cash Receipt Journal and the Payment Registration screen to see if either of these would be utilised but cannot see how.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.



The Cash Receipt Journal will let you do this, just don’t set your batch to balance off each line against the bank, instead add each cheque as a separate line then add a line at the end to balance it off to the bank as that is the figure on the paying in slip.