Can route be diverted to another order(process manufacturing)

can a route be diverted to another production order


give ans

Define diverted? What stage is the destination order? Why do you want to do this?

In Process Manufacturing this is normat scenario,

In ax we do production on production order basis,

but in actual process manufacturing it is done by line type production, multiple product can be produced on in same line (route)

take example of mixed fruit jam and pinaple jam

route of mixed friut jam is

opetration 10 pinaple jam -material consumed pinaple raw

now waht if i want to divert this route(line) to pinaple jam packing

I know its not possible

I have made work around

thanks for support

Okay you are moving the scheduled production resource of an order - your question asked to divert to another production order, i.e. pick up the route of WO0004 and give it to WO0007 - your question was not clear. You can just alter the routing on the order and reschedule, or close off the existing and create new route transactions - depends upon your recording and scheduling mechanism. No workaround needs to be made in my eyes.

sorry but its very frequent scenario, no user will do this each and every time,

is this possible that journals i.e. route and pick of production order 1 to transfer to production order 2 in half way say after 2-3 operations perform…?

work around is i have break the bom in half way of process say the starting point was 1 and out put was 2 , and i wanted to change the route or u can say change the out put to 3 in half way say 1.5 (i have identified a point where is change can offen exist)

so i have made a bom item named 1.5 and in bom its production type so i do not need to follow each and every step of 1.5 i just hav to perform steps of out put 2, when in middle i need to change out put i just have to alter out put 2 operation and i already have 1.5 on hte way…so i can creat production of output 3 and consume 1.5 in it…

isnt it right…??

I seem to keep asking the same questions and getting either a bit more information or a different piece of information which makes it impossible to answer your question.

No you cannot transfer the posted consumption and routing transactions from one order to another - why would you?

You example is not clear so I cannot comment on it to be honest.

example 2

item 1


item x, item y, item z


operation 10-item x consumed, op. 20 item y consumed, op.30 item z consumed

item 2


item x, item y, item p


operation 10-item x consumed, op.20 item y consumed, op.30 item p comsumed.

now i have made production order of item 1 and and after operation 20 i came to know that i have to change the out put to item 2 (its typical business process)

work around is

if i wanted to change the route or u can say change the out put to item 2 in half way say after operation 20 (i have identified a point where is change can offen exist)

so i have made a bom item named 1.5 and in bom of item 1 and 2 its production type now bom of item 1 and d and 1.5 is

bom of 1.5 i- item x and item y to be consumed to operatio 10 and 20 resectivly,

item 1 bom - item 1.5 and item z on operation 30( in this route its operation 10) (1.5 is production type in bom line)

item 2 bom - item 1.5 and item p on operation 30

so i do not need to follow each and every step of 1.5 i just hav to perform steps of out put 1, when in middle i need to change out put i just have to alter out put 1 route and pick journel and i already have 1.5 on the way…so i can creat production of output 2 and consume 1.5 in it…

Where I have had this in the past there has been a distinct item separation, they make the mix containing X and Y and this is reported in and is the base component of 1 and 2 with Z and P added. Basically once the mix is ready the decision is made of what to make, so the item structuring and processing is distinct. Works order for the mix, then works order for the finished goods item. I have not encountered the need for making the end product with a common mix and half way through altering the end product. This is I beleive what you are doing with 1.5. Basically it is about structuring the data and processing to handle the requirements. I would not call this a workaround, I would simply call it using the system.