Does anyone here came across a problem where when running the “Analysis by dimensions” screen , sometimes the system does not show for certain entries the 2 global dimensions code ( project or department No).
It is strange because when I check on gl entries, I can see that my project code and departement are there but on my analysis view, the systeme shows only amount but not dimension and it is only for few entries not all of them .
I have seen this. You have to rebuild the anaylsis view (annoying I know). Standard code has a concurrency issue where entries can be skipped when creating anaylsis entries.
When you look at the GL Entries they have a dimenision value ,but after selecting certain entries then looking at Entries > Dimensions - you do not get any values…
I had the same problem but could not point to the source at the time… i think it is probably something with the validation of dimensions for some journal lines. The ledger entry dimensions are not populated for all entries … Which version are you using …and was an upgrade done on the database ?
I made a test database and populated the Ledger entry Dim table with the corresponding dimension values for these entries. and got a good result…
Financial Managment → Analysis & Reporting → Analysis By Dimensions
Lookup on Analysis View Code
Select a line, Analysis Button → Card
The update button on the card will let you construct your analysis views since the last date/entry no. updated. However, what you want to do is rebuild the analysis view FROM SCRATCH.
Click on the dimensions tab. Change one of the dimensions. You will get a mesasge asking for permission to delete the analysis view entries. Accept.
Change the dimension back to its original value.
Click the Update button.
Your Analysis view is rebuilt from scratch!
This may take awhile, so if your analysis view is very large (over serveral gigabytes), you may want to conisder rebuiliding only part of the analysis view.
In that case, you will have to run the tables directly. Select a date and a view that you want to rebuild. Go the Analysis View Entry table. Delete all of the entries according to your date analysis view filter criteria. Go the the Analysis View Table, delete the value in Last Entry No. updated and chagne the date in last date updated. Then click update on its analysis view card.
Hi again ,I believe that updating the view would still give you an incorrect result if all the entries are not available in the Ledger Entry Dimension.I’ve seen this problem on two different databases both of which were from upgrades -I couldnt simulate the scenario on a standard database ,thus the reason for my question in the previous post.
So as I said i wrote a script to insert entries into the Ledger Enrty Dim from dimension values of missed entries in the GL Entry table and it worked fine. I didnt know any other way to go about this…
I tried to rebuild by Analysis View but it is too slow. It took more than a day but still cannot finish. At the end, I canceled the update. It was running at the speed of 3 entries/s. Any idea why the update become so slow ? Any hotfix I can apply or not. I am running Nav 4 SP2 on SQL Server 2000.
Updating an analysis view from scratch can take a long time. Instead of updating the entire analysis view, you can try only updating from a certain G/L entry forward. However, if you don’t roll back far enough, you may miss the entries that need to be corrected.
I have exactly the same issue with NAV 5.00…some G/L entries with dimensions are missing in the Ledger Entry Dimension table or have a wrong dimension !
Unfortunately I can’t reproduce it…do you?
And did you find a hotfix or something new to fix this problem ? Or do you still have to run your script periodically to reconciliate the entries ?
Hi I got the same problem now when running Analysis by Dimension on Purchase Navigator. And filter by Group and by Section dimension. The filtered dimension does not show any value. But if I remove filter by Section then the value shows up.
However, when I run the analsysis by dimension at Financial Management navigator both filters show the values. The transactions I made here is Item Journals then i define the Sections and Group code dimension. I am using NAV 5.0, what went wrong?