Analysis View


I am studying a Navision 3.6 implementation for the Finance department of a company. They happened to mention to me an issue they were facing and I would like to know if any of you reading this post are aware or have faced it before.

They have certain requirements which makes a GL entry being associated with 4-5 dimensions. I believe it is a standard feature that the GL entry table does not allow more than 2 global dimensions being associated with an entry. As a work around they seem to have used some short cut dimension implemented through an Analysis View.

Now for some reason entries get posted into the Analysis View have one of the two global dimensions or both missing at times. This causes reconciliation issues between the Ananlysis View and the GL table.

The databse used is SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition.

Have you encountered this issue and is there some resolution that could be suggested?



Check whether for those G/L Accounts, the dimensions are setup with Value Posting as Code Mandatory. Any dimension that always required to be entered during transactions entry must be setup as value posting as Code Mandatory, otherwise users will be able to post transactions without entering dimension and hence on analysis entry there will be entries without dimension values.

I thought analysis views and dimension analysis like this was implemented in version 4.0 I would also check the object versions of the tables you are experiencing issues with.

And of course check any modification!

Run a test to check the source data, create a new analysis view for an account the customer said is reporting wrong, have the compression set as None, this will create a one-to-one entry, you should find that the all data is correct if you have an unmodifed system.

However the only way there would be a difference is if the data is not correct, and the G/L Entry Table has values in GD1 and GD2 but the Dimension Ledger Entry table does not support the line data, or visa versa.

As you say that there is a Difference when comparing Global Dimensions in the Analysis View and the Dimension Filters on the G/L Accounts, you will need to check the data has not been corrupted by a custom modifications, imported or take-on data not being validated correctly to create the dimension data, check this by writing a report on the G/L Entry table, add some code to do the following, for each entry check the lines data matches the Ledger Entry Dimension data.

C/AL Globals:
GLSetup - Record - General Ledger Setup
GD1 - Record - Ledger Entry Dimension
GD2 - Record - Ledger Entry Dimension
EntryOK - Boolean

G/L Entry - OnPreDataItem()[code]
GLSetup.TESTFIELD(“Global Dimension 1 Code”);
GLSetup.TESTFIELD(“Global Dimension 2 Code”);


GD2.SETRANGE(“Table ID”,DATABASE::“G/L Entry”);[/code]

G/L Entry - OnAfterGetRecord()[code]

GD1.SETRANGE(“Entry No.”,“Entry No.”);
GD1.SETRANGE(“Dimension Code”,GLSetup.“Global Dimension 1 Code”);

GD2.SETRANGE(“Entry No.”,“Entry No.”);
GD2.SETRANGE(“Dimension Code”,GLSetup.“Global Dimension 2 Code”);

EntryOK := (“Global Dimension 1 Code” = GD1.“Dimension Value Code”)
EntryOK := (“Global Dimension 1 Code” = ‘’);

GD2.SETRANGE(“Entry No.”,“Entry No.”);
GD2.SETRANGE(“Dimension Code”,GLSetup.“Global Dimension 2 Code”);

EntryOK := (“Global Dimension 2 Code” = GD2.“Dimension Value Code”)
EntryOK := (“Global Dimension 2 Code” = ‘’);


The code is untested but you should only have entries on the report with dimension errors.


it was introduced with Navision Solutions Ver. 3.00. At least by version 3.10 it was working.

As I remember when we upgraded from 2.60 to 3.60 where i worked back then it wasn’t working well at all…

I have obviously tried to block the 3.1/3.6 version from my mind with all the problems it caused me, maybe 4 was the first one I thought the dimension analysis had a better chance of working!!

Thanks a lot for your responses.

Happy New Year to all.

Unfortunately I haven’t tried out all your suggestions and hence cannot mark one of your replies as a solution. Bear with me for the delay in updating.

Thanks and Regards,


I guess it all depends on the definition of “working well”. I don’t know of any major changes since the initial release, but although it works according to the spec, I would agree that it does not work well.

Yes, it all depends on how you view it.

But back then we actually had the full dimension functionality in the 2.60 version and it ran like a dream. Then we migrated to 3.60 on SQL 2000 and the performance in relation to dimensions was awful which i guess was mainly due to the SQL related issues.So i think they optimized it back then for the SQL version with some hotfixes although its quite far away at the moment [:)]

It was on what was called the worlds largest branch solution (and depending on how you see it it’s probably still the largest) called Navision Stat, which is widely used in the Danish State Administration. Meaning state schools, state administration departments and so on. And as i see it that’s what caused Navision/Microsoft to include the full dimension functionality as we know it today but i might be wrong on that part!?

Microsoft had nothing to do with Dimensions. They were a part of Navision long before Microsoft ever got involved. I thought that Dimensions started life as an add on somewhere and sadly got thrown into the base product. Its quite possible that the add on came from this implementation you mention.

Yes you are right - what i meant was the shift from 2 dimensions to multiple dimensions (2 global + the shortcut dimensions)… We used 5 dimensions in the 2.60 Navision Stat release back then - hell of a hassle to get the dimensions right in journals etc. Ever since i have not been a fan of using dimensions heavily (which for me is having more than 3 dimensions going!) as the ease of use goes down the drain :slight_smile: