workflow error, user group not found

I have configured a workflow for Purchase requisitions which has 3 steps and at the last step I basically asssign it to a single user. All the requisitions has to go through this step.

Although my workflow works fine for more than 200 requisitions, for some of the workflow items I have the error: workflow stopped, user group is not found. I couldnt find a meaningful reason for this, since except these handful of items my workflow configuration works just fine for the other 200-250 requisitions.

Have you encountered such an error, what is the way out of this, any help will be appreciated.

I have seen theother post about the same error text but I think it is not the same problem.


Please use the following link:

I think it may help you.


Thank you,

Prior to my posting, I have already checked the items that are listed on the aforementioned post. Any other suggestions?

have you checked your user?

yes, I have checked all users involved. Please note that the workflow(approval steps,users, alerts…etc) works fine for most of the workflow items. One item can be approved while for another item (with the same conditions) can not be approved.

The solution found. The error caused by Workflow System’s and Execution Accounts’ languages are not set to EN-US (In our case it was Turkish) . Change it to En-US and Resume all of the stopped instances.

But what if your installation doesn’t have en-us license?

I’m got this error after restoring database in to Test Environment .any Idea ?