Workflow condition evaluation not working as expected

First off, let me say the workflow conditions aren’t working as I expect them to :slight_smile:

Let me paint a picture:

my invoice has 3 lines with 3 different departments (dept1, dept4, dept5 for simplicity sake)

The workflow it gets submitted to has steps and conditions like this:

step1: If Journal Lines.Department = dept1

step2: If Journal Lines.Department = dept2

step3: If Journal Lines.Department = dept3

step4: If Journal Lines.Department not = dept1

and Journal Lines.Department not = dept2

Journal Lines.Department and not = dept3

Step1 evaluates to true when tested against invoice above

Step2 evaluates to false

Step3 evaluates to false

Step4 evaluates to false (this is where I’m extremely confused). What do i have wrong? Is there a right way to set this up compared to what I have?

The condition says that department mustn’t be dept1 AND (in the same time) it mustn’t be dept2 AND (in the same time) it mustn’t be dept3.

¬1 ∧ ¬0 ∧ ¬0 = 0 ∧ 1 ∧ 1 = 0

Did I get it right?

Correct, It must not be any of the departments listed in the condition. My expectation is that this is evaluated on a line by line basis. So I expect line 1 to register false and I expect lines 2 and 3 to register true. The way you are stating your response makes me think that all lines have to pass the step 4 criteria so it is evaluated as true. If that is the case, my condition becomes increasingly complex with the more departments I add. If that is not the case, I’m not sure how best to set it up so that it looks at any one line not being from another department.

Sorry, I’m by no mean a workflow expert. I tried to configure something similar and it actually looks good to me. AX generated XPath query like this, which seems to do what you want:

ExpressionDocument[((MainTable/Line[SomeField != 1 and SomeField != 2]))]

Could check how the query looks in your case? It’s in ExpressionTable.XPathQuery (you can find the ExpressionId in WorkflowStepTable.ExecuteStepId).

the catch all looks like this





count(…/LedgerJournalTrans_1) = count(…/LedgerJournalTrans_1[Dimension_1_ != ‘dept1’]) and

count(…/LedgerJournalTrans_1) = count(…/LedgerJournalTrans_1[Dimension_1_ != ‘dept2’]) and

count(…/LedgerJournalTrans_1) = count(…/LedgerJournalTrans_1[Dimension_1_ != ‘dept3’])





If i’m reading it right, it says the count of lines needs to = the count of lines that are not dept1 and the count of lines needs to = the count of lines that are not dept2 and the count of lines needs to = the count of lines that are not dept3.

To me it needs to say something like: the count of lines needs to not = (the count of lines that are not dept1 + the count of lines needs to = the count of lines that are not dept2 + the count of lines needs to = the count of lines that are not dept3).

I’m not sure how that xpath query would look


To me it needs to say something like: the count of lines needs to not = (the count of lines that are not dept1 + the count of lines that are not dept2 + the count of lines that are not dept3).