what is the display method for numeraltotext()?


what is the display method for numeraltotext()?

Can you be little bit more clear on the Ques plz??:slight_smile:

Goto- AOT-Classes-Global Classes-numeralsToTxt()

You can call it in your code.



in salesquotation report i want the total line amount in word .


i have tried it,My xact problem is if total value is 19,025, its showing ***ninteen thousand.

not the full.

it should come properly,

please check out in global class and always better to debugg.



Hope the problem is with the report…try increasing the width of the amount field in the design of the report… (or) check the page alingments in the report… where u have exactly placed this field in the report…if it is in the leftedge… try placing it in the center by changing the amt fields alinment property to center.

try to run the piece of code in the Job and print the same… U ll find what goes wron and where…

But it does not come in indian format.


Use function Global::numeralsToTxt() …