Unable to create ssrs reports through VS2010 although ssrs is running.

3404.VS error.bmp (3 MB)

The error is about a problem with connecting from Visual Studio to AX, not about a connection to an SSRS server.

Thanks for posting your answer,but could you help me to resolve this error.Eventhough I have tried this article http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg889291.aspx,Unable to connect from VS2010 to aos.

You’ll have to give us more information. What’s your version of AX? What did you do before you get the error? Do other operations in Visual Studio work? For example, does the Application Explorer work and can you add projects to AOT?

Thanks martin! the error is now solved,business connector credentials were wrong so thats why vs2010 was not connecting to AOS.