there is nothing to post error how i fix

Hi When i make return order to specified document it give me this message “there is no thing to posting”

after this i run debugger then i found the following break point

IF NOT (Ship OR Invoice OR Receive) THEN

IF NOT OnlyAssgntPosting THEN


although i added quantity ,location ,quantity returned every thing

why this error displaying


Are you using Charge(Item) in Sales return Order?

If yes, Did you assign it? Check Quantity Assigned field…

I assign quantity and unit price quantity returned- every thing

Check OnlyAssgntPosting function.

It must be returning false…

how i know returning false or not

Is your document is already returned with entire quantity ???

No returned to this document before.Now i success in make return order but what i want any one tell me the reason.

solve : without select invoice i choose receive and invoice option .

what different between two options and and why it give me there is nothing to post when i select invoice option and make success return when i select receive and invoice option although no any change in data in two both cases


You need to receive first and then Invoice.

Or you can do both at a time but not Invoice only without receive.

why must i make receive first

How can you pay to Customer without receiving goods back?

It is how NAV built.

You cannot post invoice before receiving…