security error when submitting purchase requisition workflow

Dear All,

I got that error when submitting a purchase requisition workflow the security role is custom

Stopped (error): X++ Exception: Work item could not be created. Insufficient rights for user xxxxx.
at SysWorkflowWorkItem-create

Do you get the same error with the other work flows? We don’t know what your custom role has.
You need access to this table → Tables/WorkflowWorkItemTable

Do you have System user role assigned?

Yes he is he is a liked user

Here a snapshot from the permissions

What level of access do you have on that table?


Can you try with Create?

in AOT correct is higher than create

I think Correct is designed only for valid state tables. (date time effective)

I tired a full control permission with the tables. and it didn’t work, so I test the built in system roles. It ave the same error with purchasing agent and only work with the purchasing manager. I tested the difference and a privilege named “PurchReqPurchaseRequisitionApprove”. I added it to my custom duty and it worked well. this is not optimal solution but later on I will compare my custom privilege with this one and identify the missing permission. and add it to this post for help anyone face the same problems. thank you Kranthi. I do appreciate your continuous help and support.