Sale unit of Measure

I’m facing a problem where the sale unit of measureon the product card is Minutes and th base unit of measur is Each.With1 unit being Equal to 300Minutes

What is the problem you are facing?


When i want to bill the system still reads the item as Units and not minutes,I mean to say that even when the sale unit of Measure is Mins and there re700 minutes left and just over 2 unit it says cannot dispense more than is available,but if you dispose less than the number of units and the unit of measure being minutes it subtacts the units properly as minutes

As far as I understand you, the logical set-up looks to me something like:

Base unit of measure: minutes

Item unit of measures: minutes = 1, hour = 60, each = 300, workday = 480, etc.

Sales unit of measure = each

If you do the set-up like this you can use minutes, hour, each etc in your sales order and the calculation will always go back to the correct number of minutes.



That was the best solution but now there are items in stock and the system say you cannot change the base unit of Measure.

Most probably the best to do is create a new item and use the production module. Consume the inventory from the ‘wrong’ item and create it as output for the new item. Another way of solving it is by a negative and positive adjustment.

Bottom line however is that if your basic set-up is not correct you will keep having trouble in the future. So it is worth to reconsider your item set-up.


You may try to bill a part of each. From what I understand, invoicing 0.2 each will be equal to 60 minutes.

Maybe this is of help.


can you use ressourses instead to invoice time?

do you have a “Stock” of these minutes?