Restore in two phase 1st Objects and then Data


Is there any way to restore back in two phase.

1st only object

and then only data.


Himanshu Kumar

Not directly from a backup that I’m aware of. You’d have to export objects and import them to only “restore” objects. I’ll be honest, though, it’s been years since I did a backup from within NAV.

Yes, you can try the following:

  1. Open the Import-Objects-Dialog

  2. Select “All Files” in the File Filter

  3. Select your Backup-File - NAV will now import all objects from the backup.

Regards Jan


To restore object only you need to untick everything in Restore screen (Tools → Restore) except for Application Objects

Now it’s time to restore the data. Go to Tools → Restore again, this time the Application Objects will be automatically disabled, and select the data (company) you want to restore.

