Nav 2009 R2 Report Properties


I would like to know:

  1. Is there possible to link the table “Employee” and “Dimension Value” and “Payroll Lookup”, because I need to get some fields from these table

  2. Any way to make option list (drop down) for the ReqFilterField in properties. I need to display the “Name” in option list to choose by user.



Please help to advise. Thanks in advance.



Hi Joan,

If you have the Employee and Dimension Value in the same level, then not. You need to have the Dimension Value dataitem indented under the Employee. And then you can use the DateItemLinkRefence = Employee and specify the link in DataItemLink.

If the dimensions values you need is “Global Dimension 1 Code” or “Global Dimension 2 Code”, then you can link to this value. But you also need to know which dimension code you must filter on. Here you can either hardcode the value (not best practice and not recommended) or better use the “General Ledger Setup” table to get the correct code.

If it’s not “Global Dimension 1 Code” or “Global Dimension 2 Code”, then you need to add another dataitem in between (Default Dimension) to link first “Employee”, then “Default Dimension” to “Dimension Value”.