Learning NAV 5.0 Costing Procedures

Hello everybody,

I am a new NAV user, and was wondering what the best way to go about learning costing procedures was. Specifically the actual mechanics of going through a normal costing situation. Something like going through the steps for the costing process in NAV 5.0 for anything to do with components or sub-assemblies with routings and BOM’s would be fantastic.


Welcome to forum,

Normally, the Partner company implementing Navision is responsible for user training, but if you are new to company which uses Navision for a long time already, they will do it only for additional cost.
An alternative might be searching for Dynamics training courses, offered by Training centers in your area, but better choose MS Training partners, not a company that trains for everything imaginable or even unimaginable…

However, there is CustomerSource, a MS extranet site dedicated for Dynamics users. There are heaps of whitepapers, factsheets and Training materials, all for free use/downlod.

Only one condition applies - your company must be on active Maintenance plan. If you are, then contact your Partner, if you do not have access to CS already, they must arrange it for you.

Thanks, I got my hands on some learning materials which helped quite a bit