Item Tracking Lines performance problems

Here is what you’ve all been waiting for: Given the fact that a firm is working 'bout 1 year with nav an using serial nos., the calling of the “Item Tracking Lines” form is starting to drop extremely in performace due to a wrong key, and searching through all 200.000 Reserveration Entries sequentially isnt that fast. The Solution: Set the TableView in the “Item Tracking Lines” to the second key in list. Speeds that thing up a lot. B.t.w.: There is another hanger in this form: See Trigger “TempRecIsValid”. The filters are copied, but the key is not set …

Thank you Tom.

Is this really an Axapta question[?] Does it not belong in the MBS-Navision (aka Financials, aka Attain) forum?

sorry … posted into the wrong forum. explains why i couldnt find it tody =) if someone could move it please …