How to open the standard report in Ax 7


Can anyone tell me,

How to open the standard report in AX 7.

Report name is present in the AOT but tell me path to open the report in the workplace(FrontEnd).


I have a form,I want to display the form design to the “CustCollectionJour” report.Someone help me.

Can you please explain what you mean by “displaying form design to a report”? It doesn’t make sense to me; form designs are designs of forms and not reports.

Hi Martin,

I want to customize the report “CustCollectionJour” to add some extra design in the footer.How to do this.Can you tell me to achieve this.

Aha, so it;s not about form designs at all.

You said you want to add a new design, but your remark about a footer suggests that you actually want to modify an existing design, right?

yes…I have added the extra design in the report but I am not able to open the report the report in menu.

I am getting below error please suggest me.

Were you getting this error from the beginning and you didn’t even mention it until now??? Or are you changing the topic of this thread?

If it’s the first case, please never forget to tell us such critical pieces of information straight away. And now please tell us what exactly you did.

Hi Martin,

I have customized the Custcollectionjourcontroller class to add the [replaceable] attribute in the method “runPrintMgmt()” and created some extension class for the method to change the name of the report to execute extra added design in footer of the “Cusstcollectionjour” report.

I have customized the Custcollectionjourdp class to set the hook attribute for the insertCustCollectionJourTmp() and extended the this class to add some field value initialization to the “custCollectionJourTmp” table.

I have deployed the report and build the project but not getting any error .

While opening the collection letter note report,getting above error.


Someone help me to resolve the error.