Help! Upgrade Error! NAV2009 RTC

I have upgraded the company’s navision software to 2009 version, but when I open the RTC client, it will pop up the following error : “The given key was not present in the dictionary.”.#### I have confirmed that 2009 version is installed correctly, because I can normally use the Demo database launch RTC client. I do not know how to identify the cause, can you give some advice to me, thank you!

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But more likely you’d better contact your NAV Vendor. To find out which part of objects when wrong during upgrade.

Thanks, but I upgraded it by myself , so I don’t want to contact suppliers.

I would check your config files for both the client and service tier to make sure that they have all of the appropriate key / value pairs. These are probably loaded via the .NET Dictionary class, which would give a similar error.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>