Error while importing budget from excel.

Hi to all,

I am trying to import the excel worksheet which I exported from navision version 2009 RTC client. When I try to import the very same excel sheet it gives an error

“Dates have not been recognized in the Excel worksheet.”

I have set the date format as in the RTC Client which is in “03/04/10” format.

again its giving same error.

What is the solutions for this problem. Am i only one having this problem or others are also facing the same problem.

Please do post some solution for this kind of problem.

Thanks in advance.




Having same problem.

Please let me know if you got the solution.



I have the same problem and haven’t been able to find any hotfix releases from Microsoft. Have you found the solution (other than to use the Classic client)?



Yes you are correct, to fix this you need to replase ‘’ to @ in the code of importing the budget.

Just debug the error and do the changes.

Thanks Manish, I’m not a developer, and can’t see how to turn on the debugger for the role tailored client. I take it I need to change the code in Report 81 (Import Budget from Excel). Please can you let me know which line of code needs to be changed.