Error message :- Account number for transaction type Customer invoice discount does not exist.

Dear all

kindly i have the problem with posting invoices, also i make posting profile as below

Hello Elhussieny,

What exactly is your problem?

I can only identify the posting setups you made under sales order - discount.

Would be great if you could share more details & information.

Thank you.


Is the customer in the discount group associated with these postings?

If they are check the sales order and price dicount tab and ensure the discount group is actually on the sales order (I bet it is not!)

Dear Ludwig

thanks for replay and this my error

3286.hError 000.bmp (819 KB)


Go to GL, Setup, Account for automatic posting. Specify account for customer invoice discount. That should work.


Please define the steps more details

Go to General Ledger module. Go the setup tab and locate Posting group there. Expand that tab and then click on account for automatic posting. In that form, you can define certain posting account and sales invoice discount is defined there only. Check whether record exists for customer invoice discount or not.

If that exists, define ledger account there and if the record is not there then create a new record and attach the ledger.


Dear Pranav

thanks for help but this is my window is Axapta

3857.Define.bmp (707 KB)

Hi Elhussieny,

Automatic account type selection is the correct form name. Actually i had written as per form name in AX 2012. It has been renamed in AX 2012.

Anyway, i hope your problem is solved.


Dear Pranav

thanks for help you give me the solution

Hi Pranav,

This solution worked for me as well.

Thank you very much.

Hi All

What if i am using the sales discount based on the customers group and i have to define that ledger account in the posting profile, say, 5 groups i have and five different ledger account to trace the discount, so those accounts how i can map in the "“Accounts for automatics transaction” as we can choose the "customer invoice discount " type once for mapping.