Duplicate printing in Dynamics


Does anyone know how to resolve (and why) Dynamics 5.0 is printing 4 copies when 2 are requested but still only 1 when 1 is requested?


Is this for every report? If not it’s probably a customization issue. Does it print 9 copies when 3 are requested?

It is happening when we print invoices and also statements and yes, I’ve just tested and when requesting 3 copies, 9 print.

What is the report ID?

Have you done any modifications?

Does it happen for other reports too? Is it specific to a particular printer?

Yeah, I’m curious how many jobs actually go the print queue. For a one page invoice for example, if you print 2, do you see 2 separate jobs of 2 pages each, or do you see one job of 4 pages?

Wondering if NAV is printing it’s number of copies using the usual CopyLoop data item, and the number of copies is being set on the Select Printer dialog somehow.

I have read this before. There is a hhot fix



Hi apparently this hot fix does not work for our version? We have Nav 5.0 build number 24199 is there a hot fix for this version? Thanks.

Hi, I tested printing 2 copies of an invoice and tried to check how many jobs were in the print que, but either it doesn’t show on the printer screen or it was too fast as I could not see any job listed before it printed. Problem remains outstanding.