DateFormula Validation

I’m in the process of creating a data import using NAV’s XML web services. My upload contains a number of DateFormula fields and I need an efficient way to validate the fields before I update the system. I’d like to use a RegEx but I can’t find a DateFormula RegEx. Does anyone have a RegEx or other idea?

There is a DateFormula data type, just like an Integer or Text. Import into that and it will error out if it is not formatted correctly.

The problem is the DateFormula data type is defined as a string data type via the webservice. So I wouldn’t be able to validate it until I actually tried to update the record. I need to validate all the data in the spreadsheet before attempting to update the system. This way I can force the user to fix all errors before updating the system.

From the NAV Client help, the following rules describe the valid syntax of date expressions. Maybe it can help you write a reg-ex (I would just for the fun of it, sad, but I don’t have the time)

The following rules describe the valid syntax of date expressions:

DateExpression = [][][]
= []
= + | -
= | |
= Positive integer
= D | WD | W | M | Q | Y (D=day, WD=weekday, W=week, M=month, Q=quarter, Y=year)
= C (C=current)

Ugh. I finally did it. I hate these things. But I think I have one that works. I can’t be the only person who’s had a need to validate a date expression in an efficient way. This SHOULD work. Hopefully this will save someone else the pain. Please let me know if you find an error.

DateFormula RegEx = (?i)[-+]?([1-9]{1,2}(WD|[DWMQY])|(WD|[DWMQY])[1-9]{1,2}|C(WD|[DWMQY]))

= [-+]?([1-9]{1,2}(WD|[DWMQY])|(WD|[DWMQY])[1-9]{1,2}|C(WD|[DWMQY]))
= [-+]?
= [1-9]{1,2}
= ([1-9]{1,2}(WD|[DWMQY])|(WD|[DWMQY])[1-9]{1,2}|C(WD|[DWMQY]))
= (WD|[DWMQY])
= C
= [1-9]{1,2}(WD|[DWMQY])
= (WD|[DWMQY])[1-9]{1,2}
Case insensitive = (?i)

Actually that one has bug that prevents the use of 0 as a number, therefore 10, 20, 30, etc wouldn’t validate.

Here is a corrected version:

DateFormula RegEx = (?i)[-+]?(([1-9][0-9]?)(WD|[DWMQY])|(WD|[DWMQY])([1-9][0-9]?)|C(WD|[DWMQY]))

= [-+]?([1-9][0-9]?(WD|[DWMQY])|(WD|[DWMQY])[1-9][0-9]?|C(WD|[DWMQY]))
= [-+]?
= [1-9][0-9]?
= ([1-9][0-9]?(WD|[DWMQY])|(WD|[DWMQY])[1-9][0-9]?|C(WD|[DWMQY]))
= (WD|[DWMQY])
= C
= [1-9][0-9]?(WD|[DWMQY])
= (WD|[DWMQY])[1-9][0-9]?
Case insensitive = (?i)