Cost adjustment process issue

Hi All,

We use dynamics NAV 2009 R2,

My client has 3 companies and one consolidated company(report purpose) in the database.

Data per company filed = NO ,in Item table (27) ,

Items more than 20,000.

Now the problem when run Adjust Cost - Item Entries… report (Finance management)

Some times it wont run.

Then change the Average cost cal.type , item to Item & location & variant (inventory setup-Warehouse module) and run again.

Then Adjust Cost - Item Entries… report run properly. But the problem is , it takes long time. (4 hours for 3 companies)

Is there a way to avoid this problem ?

Thanks In advance :slight_smile: ,

Inventory setup;

Automatic cost posting= Yes

Expected cost posting=Yes

Automatic cost adjustment= Never (We cant do this Always, because its takes some times at posting each transaction)

If you Automatic Cost Adjustment =Always It will not take that much longer time .But if it is Never so when you run adjust cost it will take longer time as it look for every Transaction.

I suggest start running the adjust cost on Weekly Basis so may be it will not take longer time or make the option Automatic Cost Adjustment =Always