Client cannot connect until ClientUserSettings.config is deleted

I have a client that is running a NAV 2016 CU 10 on a WTS server (Windows server 2012R2 Version 6.3.9600)

A couple a time a month when he opens the windows client he gets an error message saying that he cannot connect to the server.

The same user runs both a NAV 2009R2 classic client and a NAV 2016 CU10 on the WTS server.

When I log into the server and delete the ClientUserSettings.config and the opens the client it works like a charm. Today he had the same problem but after he waited for about 30 minutes he could login into NAV.

The error is not consistent, I cannot find a pattern (time, date ex.) when the problem is coming. Do any of you have an idea where to look for a solution?

I have not had the error on my user or any other user

Client error message:


Thanks for your time


Are Server and port details correct in ClientUserSettings.config ? Have you checked event log ?

Hi, R u using Domain user name password or navision user name password?

Hi Sowkarthika,
Thanks for your response.

Yes the server and post (and so on) are correct in the config fil, I have even substituted the ClientUserSettings.config with my own (same server and so on)

Hi Jesu,

Thanks for your response.
It is using windows authentication.

Are any other users created in your company.
do you have user card in desired Nav company. if not then create a user for you with super permission set
if your company(same database other user) is used by others(might have created users).

Hi Raja,
Thanks for your response.
Yes, there is 8 other users (including myself), and all are working well.
The specifik user is setup as a user with SUPER and is identical with every other user in this instance of NAV, and he can signin every other time with his own login, it is using windows logon only.