Analysis Service - Deploy error

Hi All,

AX2012 R3 CU10

Sqlserver 2014

While Deploying the DynamicsAX thru Sql Server Analysis Service Project Wizard. I am getting the following error.

When I check the HCMWorker table in DB. The columns not available as listed in the error message.

I check my editing and process the WorkerSlicer as attached.

Any advice.!

Hi Ibrahim, Fields like “[CREATEDDATETIME]” / “[MODIFIEDDATETIME]” / “[CREATEDBY]” are set by the HCMWorker table’s property sheet. But they are not showing when you check the table on the AOT. If you go to the DB level as you said, you should see them , check these




OK, WorkerSlicer is the dimension name, looks like something new, is this shipped from Microsoft or a new one built? Which cube is using this one? Can you try to process the cube from visual studio 2013? It probably could provide more details.

Hi Kwen,

Reg. its MS shipped or newly built. I have to check with the person who was here before.
Reg. processing the cube in VS, I already did and the 1st screenshot from that screen.

Hi, Kwen,

In my case, DB has no columns which is mentioned in the error msg. like Createdby, CreatedDateTime…

Does the related table properties has the value Yes? Look at the properties of the table in AX.
If they are enabled, then you should see them at data base level (not in the AX, as they are system fields)

Hi Kranthi,

It looks like some one has changed the properties. They were set to Yes in standard.


Just for my information, You mean for “SystemTable” Properties.

HCMWorker table createDateTime, createdBy…

Yes, [HCMWorker] table in your AX instance has been changed, it’s different from MS code base, which is like