Hi There, We are using navision attain 3.60 & since day one system is implemented, I always see when we run adjust cost item entry from periodic activities/inventory, navision runs through all items, on some items it shows as average as cost type & on some items it shows as cost applied to…(cant see the full screen) and because of this every month end our inventory variance account and purchase clearing account has differences. One of the major concern is our gl account (finished goods) doesnt tally with our inventory ageing report (month end report) Can anyone let me know how to 1. stop navision from throwing differences in purchase clearing account & in inventory variance account 2. How to tally our gl account finished goods with inventory ageing report 3. Is there any way to stop these differences thrown out when we run adjust cost item entries. Immediate responses would be a great help. Regards Khan\
Hi MASSIVE MASSIVE topic! Speak to your NSC! They have implemented it for you, they have possibly written mods affecting this, they will give you the best answer. Navision wil lpost the adjustments where the purchsae invoice is different from the cost processed at (this will depend upon you costing method) so to never post adjustments, always ensure your invoice matches the system generated cost - nice trick if you can do it [:D] Inventory Aging report - this could be a localised report, or a report written for you, I am unsure. Does this report have the ability to be reconciled to the GL is my first question. Do you have an inventory valuation report? Do you have expected cost posting turned on? Are you also using the received not invoiced, shipped not invoiced reports - will depend on the above of course! Speak to your NSC - It is the best option trust me!