
Hi everybody, Does anybody know something about calling functions in Autocad due to Automation. e.g. Dim Location as int (Array(3)) Dim radius as dec location[1]:=100; //x-Parameter location[2]:=100; //y-Parameter location[3]:=0; //z-Parameter radius:=20; mspace.AddCircle(location,radius); This error appears: The Arraydimensions have to be identical. I can’t overgive an array to Autocad. Any ideas to solve this Problem? Regards, Olaf Edited by - wiesekopsieker on 2001 Apr 22 23:37:34

It seems there is no way to pass an array to autocad from navi-ole… (the function accepts a non-vector variable…) Many ole providers don’t work completly in Navi. Bye!

I guess so too, Thanks