Updating Nav 4.0 to Nav 4.0 SP2, can I do this myself?

Hi there,

I’m a Navision enduser/IT specialist.

Now, I’ve implemented Navision at my company. Now, there are new updates and I would like to update my installation. My supplier/dealer told me the upgrade would take about 1-2 days.

My company, Progression, is a small company with just only 2 employees so I’ve got a small database. There are a few custom reports and I wrote one custom script for invoicing my projects.

Is the updating of Navision to SP2 such a difficult task or can I do this my own?

Thanks in advance!

P. Wille

You can sure try doing it yourself.

Objects are marked in the versionlist with *.02

Since 4.0 Servicepacks do not require datachanges.

Just make sure you do not overwrite customised objects. If your customised objects have conflict with objects changed in SP2 you need to either do the change again or let a specialist merge that object.

Make sure to never select merge in the object import tool. Always use replace.

Good luck from a Dutch upgrade specialist. [;)]