Update Report prints blank page when run.

I created an update report that runs thru the form on a button you click. The report works great but everytime you click on the button it prints a blank page of paper to the default printer. Is there anyway to run the report without the blank page printing out??

Here is my code:

Rec.SETRECFILTER(); // this selects the desired number were looking for.
REPORT.RUNMODAL(50191, FALSE, FALSE, Rec); // this runs the report and prints the blank page

I tried messing with the TRUE, FALSE, and if I pick TRUE then the report comes up in print preview and you have to click on preview for it to work. This saves the blank piece of paper getting printed but it’s more time consuming.

Thanks in advance,


Instead of Preview, use Print button in this request window, there should not be much difference in time.

In the


REPORT.RUNMODAL(Number [, ReqWindow] [, SystemPrinter] [, Record])

First boolean is for displaying Request window and second for selecting default printer.If both are FALSE, then it will not show request window but give the option to select printer.

I’ll give it a try.


All set.

