Unable to view Analysis by Dimension in Menusuite

hi all,

i am trying to insert permission for a new role. this person should have the rights to analyze and do some plan of stocks.

anyone knows what are the role id to set so that in main-purchase**>** analysis & reporting**>** i am able to view the link to open up analysis by dimension?

form id: 7157, name: Purch. Analysis by Dimensions

Hi ,

You can go to table permissions (2000000005) and look at the required object id plus the role names.


Start Code COverage and do the activity which you want to do…

Stop the code coverage and there you will have the list of objects…

hi faludigabor,

thanks but i am not sure what role id it was thus was unable to go into required object id.

the only attempt i tried was to login as sa and go to design mode for the particular object open> from the designer> grab the object id…

but still failed to get what i want.

hi mohana_cse06,

i tried your code coverage method it doesnt work either :cry:

what objects you got in code coverage?

Object Type Object ID Object Name Coverage Ratio
Table 348
Dimension 0.05
Table 7114 Analysis Line 0
Table 7118 Analysis Column 0
Form 565 Code Coverage 0.79
Form 7118 Purchase Analysis Report 0.18
Codeunit 1 ApplicationManagement 0.05
Codeunit 359 PeriodFormManagement 0.24
Codeunit 7110 Analysis Report Management 0.02

Have you tried by giving permissions to above objects?

what problem you are facing?

Hi mohana_cse,

yes, i did in fact thats the very first thing i did after you suggest to put code coverage. still we are not able to see analysis dimension on the menusuite… funny behaviour[8-)]

Are you using Assign Users by any chance and not given permission fir that Menu?

Hi mohana,

the menu item of the rest under same menu group are ‘viewable’, its only particular report analysis dimension are ‘invisible’. [8-)]

Really Strange…

I hope you have set Execute Permission yes for FORM.

Hi Mohana,

thanks, i will go and double check the permissions rights for form object to double confirm its set to executable.

hi mohana,

its not the execution issue in form object…BUT the table data READ permission…!

thanks very much for the help and replies, cheers![;)]

Welcome [:)]

Welcome [:)]