Total discount (purchase) doesn't work?

This is in 2012 I presume from your description of the calculate process. Can you confirm this prior to me setting it up?

yes, it’s AX 2012!

Hi Frederik

Apologies I should have opened the software earlier it would have saved some pain. The UOM does disappear in AX because it is the total discount and this is based upon value not hte item, and this is your issue. Your purchase order does not trigger your total discount because it is outside of your settings. Your range of 5 to 20 when using total discounts is not quantity, there is no quantity relationship on the total, it is pure value, so this becomes a value range. The total value of your PO is 60 which is outside of your 5 to 20 range and therefore does not trigger the total discount. Set your trigger point to be 1000 and hten load a PO for 100 which will not trigger it, then change the quantity to 20 and then you will see the discount applied.

Hi Adam,

Thanks! It works now!

But i thought the field ‘amount in currency’ was the lower limit (instead of the ‘to’-field)…So what’s the goal of this field for a total discount journal? Because it is editable so it must have a reason?

Other point is that it’s strange that we can fill in the unit when it hasn’t any goal…It shouldn’t be editable…?

The same fields are not dependant upon the choice, there is basically no control on this - if it is editable it must have a reason is not a valid argument I am afraid! It can be editable and do absolutely nothing.

ok, thanks a lot to help me solving this problem!

Ok, but thsi isn’t userfriendly…

For example: i want to set up one trade agreement from 01/01/2013 - 31/12/2013 with 5% discount but i misthicked me and thicked 31/12/2015 and second one from 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2014 with 10% discount and post them both.

So the system will take the first agreement till 2015…And i can’t delete it…???

(Only when i should saw the mistake before i posted the journal, i could adjust it…)

Yes you can delete it, bring it into a journal and use the delete marked records function (or whatever it is called - last option on the ribbon) and then post the journal.

but this is only when you didn’t post yet the journal…

So when you see a mistake, a few months later, you can nothing do about it…

No not at all, you use the select criteria to bring it in, mark it and delete it.

But when i select one and try to delete it, i get an error:

The depending lines in the journal i can’t delete (no delete button…)…

The button is called select all agreements to be deleted.

Basically you run a select criteria to bring in the agreements, retain any lines you want to delete in the journal, press the button called select all agreements to be deleted and post the journal - this deletes the price agreement line from the price agreement table.

Form and To in column of the total discount type trade agreement is “Amount” not “quantity