To remove a selected department from Department Module in RTC

Hi All,

How can we remove a selected department from Department Module in RTC. i.e I want to select which departments to be shown in RTC on modification of my development enviornment.

For example I donot need to show the Warehouse module in Department Module of RTC so where should i need to change in development enviornment to reflect in RTC.

Thanks in Advance Regards


I haven’t done a ton of RTC development, but I thought the Departments screen was based on the Menusuite permissions. So whatever you can see in the Menusuite in the classic client is what you can see on the Departments screen in the RTC. Can someone confirm?

Hi Renjita and Matt [:)],

not exactly. For Classic you will have your own MenuSuite (range 10,30,90etc…), but for RTC you also will have your own MenuSuite (range 1010,1030,1090 etc…).

You can customize your MenuSuite for RTC as you wish, and in the Classic still have everything active (and viceversa, although at the beggining MenuSuite range 1010, 1030… are created using Transformation Tool using as starting point MenuSuites 10, 30…so they show exactly the same)

The only thing you need to do is the following.

  1. Select the relevant MenuSuite for RTC in Object Designer. (1010, 1030, 1090…the inferior level personalized for a Country, or if you have something else, select that one)

  2. Click Design and in the left side you will see your menu in Designe mode, and you will be able to change things.

  3. For not showing some Departments, just right click over the selected Department(s) and select “Hide in Designer”. You can do this for all the Departments you don’t want to see in RTC. (Later on you can show them again if needed doing the same, but selecting “Show in Designer”. Then you will be able to show all the ones you hided before)

  4. Save your changes to the MenuSuite and compile.

  5. Next time you open RTC, you will see only the Departments you left active in the Menusuite for RTC.

That’s it! :slight_smile: I hope this helps,

Regards and good luck!;