Send a report to Excel using Navision Excel Button

I am using a SQL 20005 Database Navision on Dynamics Nav 5.0 P1. In a simple report when i try to send the reportd data to excel by pushing the excel Navision button, nothing happens, do you know why? I am connected to a SQL server.

In a local Data base, in my PC i have no problem.


Hi Lara,

Welcome to Dynamics User Group.

Are you referring to following button for sending report to excel?

0042.DUG2.bmp (83.4 KB)

If yes, then it is meant for exporting data from FORM to excel.This button doesn’t export the data from REPROT to excel.

But you said your button is working for native database, does it mean you are using some other button?

Hi lara and welcome to forum!

Reports can’t be exported to Excel in such way by design - only Forms…

However, you can File / Save as HTML… when in Report Preview form, but the result is rather weak. No way to save Report to Excel.

Please search the Forum - there is a bazillion of threads about how to use Excel Buffer Table - specially coded Reports can be used to create Excel file.

Yes, you are correct. i tested with a simply form and succed. The proble is that I am trying to export a report directly to Excel, and this is not possible using the Excel button. Am i correct?


Yes , exactly.

If you want to export your report to excel, you need to do coding (use Excel buffer table).

You can use Report 82 Export budget to excel as an example.

Hi Dhan

Thanks a lot. I will do that.
