Restricted log growth in Nav 5


I have noticed that on the navision 5.

it has ’ Restricted log growth’ - 10% with maxsize 2,097,152

I can’t change it tu ’ unrestricted log growth’

my Nav 4 is unrestriced log growth…

is it changed in NAv 5?

any suggestion?



In old NAV 4.00 versions there was indeed a bug, maybe this 5.00 version is affected, too. You should change the setting within “Management Studio” (2005) or “Enterprise Manager” (2000): Database-Properties - Files

Should work …



Hmm this works fine for me, is the bug specific to a particular hot fix or update?

I tried it but it won’t let me.

there is no error message - after I change it and click ok and when I check it back… still back to retsricted

works for me on all the versions I tried, so I am guessing its specific to the version you are using. BTW I assume you are DBO on the the SQL database right?

yes I do it as DBO

is it because I haven’t set the trace to -4616 ?

I know I can’t open it with Ver 5 yet because I have to set trace in server.

the reason I am doing all this… because we have the best vendor support in the world [:P]

when we want to migrant to Nav Ver 5 - it suppose we can using SQL backup then restore it then open in Nav 5 - it will convert automatically , right?

however everytime we do this…it fails,… the vendor can’t help us and advice us to backup and restore within navision using (.bak file), create new DB etc…

to create a new DB etc…we need to install nav 5 client on the cluster and my boss doesn’t want it. we tried not to add any apps in cluster…except sql server…

basically we do all trials and errors by ourselves -

so our solution is

  1. back up and restore using navision ( bak file) - in test server

  2. tested it

  3. use sql to back up and restore it in live server.

  4. set the trace in live server

  5. open it via pc or citrix again in live server.



Yeah, it should work in the current versions. I remeber there was a bug in 4.00 (and 4.0.1?), which was fixed long ago: when you typed in any growth figures in NAV you got “strange” figures in SQL. I don’t know if any early 5.00 has the same problem …

You could try to set it via TSQL:

USE [master]
ALTER DATABASE [Navision] MODIFY FILE ( NAME = N’Navision_Log’, MAXSIZE = 5120000KB , FILEGROWTH = 204800KB )

(Assuming the DB is named “Navision” and the logical filename of the TLog is “Navision_Log” - please change on your demands)

Does this work?

Of course it has to be …

USE [master]
ALTER DATABASE [Navision] MODIFY FILE ( NAME = N’Navision_Log’, FILEGROWTH = 204800KB )

… for “Unrestricted Growth” (sorry).

I am confused because some people say since max size 2,097,152 = unrestricted log growth…

what happen if I leave it as it is?

does anyone use navision ver 5?

