

Our client has the following business process. Create a purchase order, when the item arrives, register the item. Before packing list/invoice posting the purchase order, they will use transfer journal or transfer order to transfer the item from one warehouse to another one. Is there any problem regarding this process?



Item is available in warehouse only after packing slip is posted.

After the packslip is posted, you can transfer items.


Check quarantine management may be that could full fill your business requirement.

I agree with akusman, Quality management will automatically transfer the product to the quarantine whse when packing slip posting, and once decided to accept the product, you approve the quarantine order and AX will automatically transfer the items from the quarantine whse to inventory whse.

Why are they transfering it before physciallty receiving it in the system?

a) Without receiving the material how can you transfer material ?

b) Why you want to transfer the material and what is your business scenerio ?

Hi Ameen,

a) With registration, the item is already received in the client’s warehouse, but still not the company property yet.

b) Actually I suggest them to post packing list first, but the client insist it is a duplicated step since they would like to post packing list and invoice when they receive the invoice.

You need to be a consultant here and explain to them the way the system works, how it can actually mirror what they do if they set it up correctly and explain all the problems they are causing by insisting on a receipt at point of invoice which could be months in advance - what happens if they do a stock count prior to the invoice but after it has been “received”? You need to convince them to adopt standard working practices here (basically to receive the stock when you receieve the stock).