Production orders 100% Error Quantity Error in AX09

Hi All,

I have a client that on occasions scraps a complete production order, but in Ax we keep receiving an error about the report as finished quantity which prevents us from ending the work order. The scenario is:

  1. Create production order, schedule, release and start (posting RM picking slip).
  2. Progress operations 1&2 then on op 3 we scrap the whole order quantity.
  3. Try to end production order and receive error message.

Essentially we would like to scrap and end the complete production order. Any guidance would be gratefully received.

Cheers - Jon.

Ultimately you can RAF it by selecting the “accept error” check box, however the ending process applies all of the consumed costs to the reported as finished quantity, and therefore to end a production order you need to at least book 1 in and then scrap it to allow the full processing of costs. Of course depending upon your costing method and dimension group setup you would need to mark the outbound transaction to ensure the costs post out correctly. Ultimately you need to make 1 to enable the cost allocation of all of the consumed items and labour.

Thank you Adam for your advice, it is greatly appreciated.

Have you try to report as finished and end the whole quantity, the report as finished process could be automatically related (or manual) with a quarantine order, and you can (it is not necessary) relate the quarantine order with a quality order where the results of the reasons (test) that makes the production obsolete would be recorded, you would scrap the whole quantity of the quarantine order with a disposition code.

You can ignore the quality order part if it is not needed, just a quarantine order, you start it for the whole RAF quantity and then scarp it, that would make the accounting records and you still see in the inventory transactions, that you had certain quantity delivered but for quality issues you scrap it.


Another advantaje of this model would be that whatever the costs related with your production at operation 3, direct and indirect, could be still reported so every cost associated impacts the “finished” product, and when you scrap it, you will now in terms of money how much did it cost to you.