Master Planning - Item Wise Master Scheduling


In AX 2012, when run Master Schedule for Specific Finished Good, system considers “On-Hand” and “Inventory Transactions” only for the finished good item which is mentioned in the Master Schedule Filter.


system does not consider “On-Hand” and “Inventory Transactions” for Raw materials (BOM Lines).

Planned Purchase Order is created as Per Planned Production Order Qty (Demand)

any one can provide suggesstion



kindly provide your comments

You should not filter the MP, doing so filters OUT the raw materials. MS suggest you run MP unfiltered and filter the results.

If you run MP for item A and Item B is a raw material then clearly you cannot plan Item B as the filter states to only plan Item A :slight_smile:


i have removed the item in Master Plan Filter.

still am getting the same issue.


system does not consider the “On-Hand” and “Include Inventory Transactions” for Raw materials (BOM Lines)

enabled “Include Onhand Inventory” and “Include Inventory Transactions” in Master Plan.

BOM Version is approved and activated.

Look at the item pegging for the item, it is creating new for a reason, so then look at the net requirements and the flow. Also look at your warehouse/site configuration and then the type of fences you have and why, for example the positive time fence in relation to the stock and the demand date.