Job Queue resetting Earliest Start Date / Time value when ran once

Hi Guys,

Hopefully a quick one.

I have an application server running, a JOBQUEUE which periodically runs a CODEUNIT.

This works, however, after I reset the status and it runs once, it seems to reset the earliest start date / time to 00:00 the following day and therefore not run again until then. The whole idea is the job should be running continuously and indefinately.

I have the reoccurence boxes all ticked and start / end time for business hours.

What might be causing this?

Many thanks in advance.

I hope you have set No. of Minutes between Runs = 1440 (1440/24 = 1 Day)

Hi Mohana,

Thanks for the reply.

If I could just clarify, I want the JOB to run continuously all the time, I don’t want a 24 hour gap. What I’m saying is when I reset the job queue to start it running, it successfully runs straight away, then the earliest start date / Time resets itself to the following day 00:00 and doesn’t run again until then.

then set No. of Minutes between run to 1…so it will run for every minute

Thanks Mo,

I’ve decided on another method by posting directly to a webservice, this was proving too unreliable.