Inventory order/Output order


In project items that are required are added using “item requirement” form.

Then I want to create a shipment for this. As I understood to create a shipment inventory output order is required. Therefore on the item requirement form, I clicked on “inventory” button then “output orders”. It creates an inventory order as well as a shipment.

The problem is that I do not want to create a shipment. I want to create only output order. Is there any set up parameters to disable shipment creation process?

Thanks in advance.



I will suggest you to check the setup of your shipment template , you find it in “IM > Setup > Distribution > Shipment template” in this form you will find many shipment templates but you need to find the one template whose criteria matches for example ware house…etc, select that template and deactivate the check box “Automatic Shipment Creation” present at “General tab”.


Bipul Kumar