Inventory Dimension 'Warehouse' not available in ATP-form (AX 2012)

Hi All,

The inventory dimension ‘warehouse’ isn’t available in my ATP-form. So when I calculate the ATP for an item, the calculation is for all the warehouses from a site…

How can i set up that also ‘warehouse’ is available? (it should be possible to select a warehouse like microsoft DAX 2012 says on the page…)

Thanks a lot!


It is avaialble as standard - any security or modifications we should be aware of?


No, we didn’t do any changes on this (and other Trade&Logistics) functionality. Also no changes to security roles…

Strange because the topic in the ATP-form calls ‘inventory dimensionS’ and below only ‘Site’ is visible…

Hi Frederik

Did you ever find out why the warehouse is not displaying on the ATP form and how did you overcome this problem?



The warehouse should be primary storage dimension - Primary stocking should be enabled for the storage dimension

Thanks. That is a great help. Liz