Indian upgrad upgrade toolkit problem

hi friends

i have downloaded the Indian(Local)upgrade tool kit from dynamics user groups download. now i have imported the local objects also.i run the form 104001 Upgrade - Old Version and clicked the transfer data then there is an error popup the definition of the field concessional rate was changed after the object was saved Old type Code , new type Boolean .

if any one knows please help me



Hi Satheesh,

You’ve not specified what version of upgrade toolkit you’re using and on what database version you’re performing the upgrade.

Still, the problem is, Concessional Rate in that table has data. Table structure CANNOT be changed when there is data in that field. Either you have to delete the data or move it to a temporary table before doing the object replacement.

I hope this helps :slight_smile:


Hi vikram

i’m converting 3.7Indian DB to 2009 W1. my developer toolkit was 2.0sp3 . yesterday i got the new upgrade toolkit from india its working fine without any problem friend thank you friend .



hi vikram

i’m getting the same error massage again now when i’m runing the Indian localized upgrade toolkit from 3.7 to 2009 the error is

popup the definition of the field concessional rate was changed after the object was saved Old type Code , new type Boolean .

Thanking you in advance
