Hi experts,
I am doing up gradation from 2009 R2 to 2013 for US Database. when i import Upgrade toolkit object from 2013 and run the 104001 (‘upgrade old version’) form and when i click Transfer Data button its showing some error as ‘TABLEDATA 90’ DOES NOT EXIST.
Actually i don’t have table 90 in my database.
please help me ASAP.
Thanks in Advance
I hope you are doing up gradation at the correct database
Is Table 90 there is NAV 2009 R2 database. ?/
No i don’t have table 90 in my database
Check the Table 90 is a BOM Component which is a Standard table, You cannot have database without the Table 90. Someone has deleted the Table 90, verify your database once.
Hi Murali,
Table 90 is base table. It might be deleted . So now u compile the object and find where the table relation or global variable may be declared by using that table . So check once .
Thank you suresh,
its working now…i tried by keeping debugger point and i commented the code which is used this table90 as variable.