Importing data from a textfile

hello, i have to import customer’s data from a textfile, i’m using the data export/import utilitie of Axapta and it works very nice to make the appropriated conversion but it doesn’t generate the customer sequence Code automatically ! ( like ‘Cust_000001’, etc…) Can someone help me ? Thanks. seb

Export/Import utility can’t automatically generate Cust code, you must do that with excel, for example.

Of Course not ! i have found a solution. When you personalize the data export/import definition groups you can specified X++ source code in the ‘field setup’ (in the convert function). this is a sample of X++ code to retrieve customer code (accountNum): str convert(str Input) { NumberSeq MyNewId; num NumCode; ; MyNewId = NumberSeq::newGetNum(CustParameters::numRefCustAccount()); NumCode = MyNewId.num(); Return NumCode; } regards. seb