how to select value from combo box to textbox

Dear All

im new in ax my question is i have combo box and text box so i want to get selected value in text box from combo box

please tell me how to do it in form level

thanks in advance

Is the list of values you want to select from coming from a table? If yes, the type of the field should be enum and then automatically you will get a comobo-box control in the from when you drag and drop the field from the the datasource form. Remember that first you need to add the table as a datasource in the form. This is basic knowledge so you should get more information from the development training manuals.


I have combo box there value is A,B,C and one Text box i want to display A in Text Box where should i write code in form (modified method) and i have form and connected with database.

Please help me please write code about it

thanks in advance

public boolean modified()
boolean ret;

ret = super();

return ret;


I have written this code but when i select combo box value I m unable to get value in text box Please tell where should write this code.



Assuming that both the combo box (EnumField) and the text field (TextField)are fields of the table (YourTable) which you are using as the datasource of the form, you should write your code in the modifiedField method of the table YourTable as shown below.

\Data Dictionary\Tables\YourTable\Methods\modifiedField

public void modifiedField(fieldId _fieldId)



if (_fieldId == fieldnum(YourTable, EnumField))


this.TextField = enum2str(this.EnumField);

