How to resolve this problem (Cannot edit a record in Purchase order - update table (PurchParmTable) ?

Hi Master,

I have a problem, when i did cancel PO I was got error massage, like on below

Cannot edit a record in Purchase order - update table (PurchParmTable).

An update conflict occurred due to another user process deleting the record or changing one or more fields in the record.

Please advise, thank you

The screen shot shows the product receipt. Do you mean cancelling the Receipt or PO?
Does it happens for all the purchase orders or just one?

Have you tried to debug and see what is causing the update conflict?

Sorry, I mean cancelling the receipt.

I have tried to debug, when I set toggle, the process can not break ?

You need to debug the related classes.
PurchformLetter_PackingSlip, PurchFormLetterParmDataPackingSlip (this is where the parm table is created)

Check it once below link may be help for you…/95177

How can I implement this code from that’s Article in this problem - (Cannot edit a record in Purchase order - update table (PurchParmTable) ? What’s class name I can add that’s code? like PurchLine.reread() ?