How can I install NAV 5.0 with SQL SERVER

hi everybody!

i’m new on the forum and i do not speak english well but i need a help for installing nav 5.0 with sql server 2005

if you have some links or ideas thanks

Fally from BENIN West Africa

Use finsql.exe. Create a new DB by connecting to the server. Once created, you can restore a Navision backup in your newly created DB. Once the restore is finished, you have a new working DB.

thanks so kriki; i understand your response but must i install finsql.exe on the tow pc?

for more information, i have a server and a client and i have to install correctly nav on them


Browse your product cd for a folder called ‘Doc’. In this folder you will find all installation manuals, including one called ‘w1w1isql.pdf’, which will tell you everything you need to know to install the SQL Server option for NAV.

Thanks everybody, I’ll check it

I have finished installation on the server and it works well; but when i’ve finished on the client, it can’t connect to the server!

it ask me the user id and the passeword to sql server that is setup on the server; i remember the password that i set but the user id …no?

how can i know it ? thanks

I’ve seen it’s ‘sa’
